Friday, June 30, 2006

Measuring Large, Long weekend, etc.

Well, at the midwife appointment which I've been meaning to write about it was found that I'm measuring a bit large for 25 weeks. I was actually measuring 29. My midwife said if we wanted to be all medically proper and overly-interventive we could go ahead and go for an ultrasound or leave it for now and see how I'm measuring at my next appt. in 3 weeks. I opted for the latter. I'm not terribly concerned since at my 18 week ultrasound my dates were confirmed (plus I know the dates are right). My weight gain isn't off the charts either. I'm up about 24 pounds which is not bad given how for along I am. So I go back on the 19th of July and we'll see then. Admittedly, I would love to have another ultrasound for the simple fact of seeing my baby again. But, we'll see...

So it's the Canada Day long weekend! I have no idea what we'll be up to this weekend but, I'm sure we'll have a good time. Rohan just took the girls fishing since he's been promising them to go for the longest while. Fishing is not my thing and I'm pretty tired right now so I will probably relax for a while and then we'll head out when they come back. I wanted to hit the sale at Thyme maternity and see if I could get a couple of tops and maybe something new for church. We also need to do groceries and prepare for Sabbath.

My varicose veins are getting really bad and I've no choice but to wear these darn stockings all day. I must bear this burden now, because I don't want to be stuck in these things for the rest of my life! It's just that they are so hot and so ugly (don't know what's worse!)

Anyhow, I've been having a good time reading my bible in the book of Matthew and I just fall deeper in love with Jesus with every chapter. To perfectly honest the only of the four gospels that I've read is John. I've read every other book in the NT except Acts and Revelation. So here I go to finish all the others. Then I *promise* to start at Genesis and go straight through. Plus I also read 1 chapter of Proverbs per day and usually a few Psalms. I love Psalms. They are water to my soul. Seriously. It's hard for me when I pick up my Bible not to just focus on Psalms...I could stay there forever, but alas there are many truths and gems to be found in all the books of the Bible and I'm trying to make a dillegent effort to go through them all.

Well, I'm going to go catch a break, read my bible for a bit and who knows maybe I'll have a bit of a nap as well.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Going to the Midwife today

I have a midwife appointment today. I am so excited!!! I love my prenatals. I don't know why exactly but, I guess just because it means that another month has passed and I'm closer to my due date. Pretty soon my appointments are going from monthly to bi-monthly.

My Nathaniel is moving like crazy! He is constantly kicking and stretching away. I can't wait to meet him. I wonder if he'll look like me. None of my kids really look like me. My eldest is starting look like me as of lately, however my girls all generally look alike and look like my hubby.

I need to get my butt in gear with getting this little one set up with his stuff. I need to get him his diapers (going with cloth) and his layette. He's got a bassinet passed down from his older sisters. I don't know if we're getting a crib or not. We will most likely co-sleep, but I am not sure how long I'll want him in my bed with me. Co-sleeping sure makes breastfeeding the most convenient method of feeding! Just roll over, latch on and then go back to sleep!

We also need a car seat and stroller. I'd like to get a stroller with the step stand on the back for Olivia. She still wants to be in a stroller and I constantly have to remind her that she is a big girl now and doesn't need to be in a stroller...

Thursday is the last day of school before summer holidays! I am so glad. I can now sleep in and take it easy in the mornings instead of all the rushing and hustle and bustle of getting the kids ready for school. Ashleigh is getting an Honour Roll award on Wednesday and will be recognized at the end of the year assembly. Rohan and I will go to see her get her award. We are so proud of her. Ashleigh is so bright and academics comes so easily for her. She is so fortunate to have brains and looks! I pray that she will always endeavor to do her best - not necessarily to please us, her parents but her Heavenly Father. I am hoping over the summer holidays she gains a deeper understanding and relationship with God. I will do my best to lead her gently in this direction.

Well, I am going to relax and take it fairly easy today. I'll be able to sit and do some good Bible study today. Cook dinner, do some light housework and then go to the midwife later on.

Too bad it's pouring rain!

Friday, June 23, 2006

Why do I always answer this stupid question?

Are you done having kids? Is this your last one?

To the above-mentioned personal question I always answer a hearty "oh yes, this is the LAST one"!!! What I should say is none of you bees wax, but that's just not me...What if I do want more? What if I want 4 more??? What then? Is there a law against having more than 2 kids?

What make people think they can ask such invasive questions??? I'll never know.

I'm a Prairie Muffin!

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Thanking God for my mother-in-law

Ya know...I have to say I'm really blessed here. I know there are so many women out there who have a monster-in-law instead of a mother-in-law. My MIL is truly a blessing. Let me count the ways:

1. She is a godly, God-fear woman. She is not perfect but, she loves her family and will do anything for them. Including me. Not many woman can say that about their MIL.

2. She lives far away. Now before you laugh, let me explain. As much as I love and appreciate her, she can be a little overbearing in person and she talks and gives "advice" a lot. So I love the fact that we can talk on the phone and she doesn't see my eyes rolling or hear my giggling (away from the reciever, of course!)

3. This woman LOVES to shop. Specifically for her grandkids. My girls are her only grandbabies and they - yes all THREE of them get spoiled to death by their "grandma in the States" as they lovingly refer to her. They have no shortage of clothes, shoes for every season and occasion, and dresses for church. I just spoke with her not too long ago and she just had a mini shopping spree for the baby. All I have to say is with all the blue she just bought I really hope this child really is a boy. :-) She wants me to fax her a list of things I need to take back with her to the store. My own mother would *never* do that! This kid will be lucky if he gets an outfit from my mom.

4. She remembers my children's birthdays. She sends them cards, gifts and or money without fail. She is the first to call on their birthdays. I can't say the same for my own mom.

5. She remembers my birthday, our wedding anniversary, mother's day. She tends to gift me with stuff she may think I like (she has pretty good taste!) and at least $100 bucks!

6. She actually likes, loves and appreciates me. She never fails to tell me what a good job I'm doing as a mother. She's not one of those mothers who see their children as infallible, in fact, she is more apt to take my side over my hubby - who is her only son, lol.

7. She is just an all around good person. Again, she is no saint, but she has a good, generous heart and she really loves the Lord, and always encourages me to do the same.

8. Last but, not least is she PRAYS for us. She lifts me, hubby and my kids up before the throne of God in prayer regularly ~ probably daily. That is truly the best gift she could ever give us.

24 weeks and 3 days

I am feeling so huge! It is 35 degrees out and hotter than you know where! LOL!

I had a bad case of cabin fever though and had to get out of the house no matter how it is. Olivia and I went for a walk around "downtown" and browsed. We went to the dollar store, Once Upon a Child and Wendy's for lunch. Then we went to the park for a few minutes. Hubby picked us up and then it was off to the school to pick up Maddie. All in all it was a nice distraction, but I'm glad to be back in my nice air conditioned home.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

What Will His Name Be?

I keep going back and forth on this one. I mean, there are names that I like but, there are certain factors that are preventing me from going ahead and saying this is his name. Some of the names I like are:

Nathan - which has been taken by an aquaintance who lives on my street. My girls and her girl play together. She had a baby last September and she was able to gobble up that name before me.

Nathaniel - Love this name, it is pretty much the same as the name above but with a twist, lol. This is the name that I've loved since forever and always thought I'd name my son this, should I ever have one.

Samuel - This name sort of came to me by God. It means "asked of God" which is basically how I came to be pregnant with this little guy. I begged the Lord for him and He blessed me with this child. The significance of the the name mean more than liking the actual name.

Jacob - (do you see a theme here?) I like it mainly because I think it's sounds cute. I like Jake and Jakey for nick-names too.

I don't know. I will really have to seek the Lord for some definite answers on what to do. My husband is fairly easy going with the name thing so far. I will let him have his say though, lol. This will most likely be the only son, born of my womb.

Well I'm 23 weeks pregnant and feeling H-U-G-E!!! I can't imagine getting any bigger but, this is the stage where mom and baby really pack on the chub, so I don't have much choice. I just have to promise myself that I will lose *every* pound gained and then some. I had gained 10 pounds over the Christmas season and got pregnant! So though I've gained about 22 pounds during the pregnacy, it's actually 32 because I'd gained 10 just less than a month before conceiving.

Hubby just came home from his run. Gotta go!!!