Well, at the midwife appointment which I've been meaning to write about it was found that I'm measuring a bit large for 25 weeks. I was actually measuring 29. My midwife said if we wanted to be all medically proper and overly-interventive we could go ahead and go for an ultrasound or leave it for now and see how I'm measuring at my next appt. in 3 weeks. I opted for the latter. I'm not terribly concerned since at my 18 week ultrasound my dates were confirmed (plus I know the dates are right). My weight gain isn't off the charts either. I'm up about 24 pounds which is not bad given how for along I am. So I go back on the 19th of July and we'll see then. Admittedly, I would love to have another ultrasound for the simple fact of seeing my baby again. But, we'll see...
So it's the Canada Day long weekend! I have no idea what we'll be up to this weekend but, I'm sure we'll have a good time. Rohan just took the girls fishing since he's been promising them to go for the longest while. Fishing is not my thing and I'm pretty tired right now so I will probably relax for a while and then we'll head out when they come back. I wanted to hit the sale at Thyme maternity and see if I could get a couple of tops and maybe something new for church. We also need to do groceries and prepare for Sabbath.
My varicose veins are getting really bad and I've no choice but to wear these darn stockings all day. I must bear this burden now, because I don't want to be stuck in these things for the rest of my life! It's just that they are so hot and so ugly (don't know what's worse!)
Anyhow, I've been having a good time reading my bible in the book of Matthew and I just fall deeper in love with Jesus with every chapter. To perfectly honest the only of the four gospels that I've read is John. I've read every other book in the NT except Acts and Revelation. So here I go to finish all the others. Then I *promise* to start at Genesis and go straight through. Plus I also read 1 chapter of Proverbs per day and usually a few Psalms. I love Psalms. They are water to my soul. Seriously. It's hard for me when I pick up my Bible not to just focus on Psalms...I could stay there forever, but alas there are many truths and gems to be found in all the books of the Bible and I'm trying to make a dillegent effort to go through them all.
Well, I'm going to go catch a break, read my bible for a bit and who knows maybe I'll have a bit of a nap as well.
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1 comment:
Hi Nadine :),
This is Shelby (treasurekeeper), I came over here from the comment you left on my blog :). Congratulations on your coming little one! Isn't it exciting? My husband and I weren't exactly "trying" for one or the other but I have to admit that the "adventure" factor went sky high when we found out this one was a boy...and just when we thought we hadgirls figured out, too ;)...
Acts is one of my favorite New Testament books of the Bible and it is one of those that makes soooo much more sense when you read it beginning to end instead of a verse or two here and there, I think you'll really like it ;).
I just went shopping yesterday and came home with LOTS of blue ;)! Lots of fun!
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