Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Going to the Midwife today

I have a midwife appointment today. I am so excited!!! I love my prenatals. I don't know why exactly but, I guess just because it means that another month has passed and I'm closer to my due date. Pretty soon my appointments are going from monthly to bi-monthly.

My Nathaniel is moving like crazy! He is constantly kicking and stretching away. I can't wait to meet him. I wonder if he'll look like me. None of my kids really look like me. My eldest is starting look like me as of lately, however my girls all generally look alike and look like my hubby.

I need to get my butt in gear with getting this little one set up with his stuff. I need to get him his diapers (going with cloth) and his layette. He's got a bassinet passed down from his older sisters. I don't know if we're getting a crib or not. We will most likely co-sleep, but I am not sure how long I'll want him in my bed with me. Co-sleeping sure makes breastfeeding the most convenient method of feeding! Just roll over, latch on and then go back to sleep!

We also need a car seat and stroller. I'd like to get a stroller with the step stand on the back for Olivia. She still wants to be in a stroller and I constantly have to remind her that she is a big girl now and doesn't need to be in a stroller...

Thursday is the last day of school before summer holidays! I am so glad. I can now sleep in and take it easy in the mornings instead of all the rushing and hustle and bustle of getting the kids ready for school. Ashleigh is getting an Honour Roll award on Wednesday and will be recognized at the end of the year assembly. Rohan and I will go to see her get her award. We are so proud of her. Ashleigh is so bright and academics comes so easily for her. She is so fortunate to have brains and looks! I pray that she will always endeavor to do her best - not necessarily to please us, her parents but her Heavenly Father. I am hoping over the summer holidays she gains a deeper understanding and relationship with God. I will do my best to lead her gently in this direction.

Well, I am going to relax and take it fairly easy today. I'll be able to sit and do some good Bible study today. Cook dinner, do some light housework and then go to the midwife later on.

Too bad it's pouring rain!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your comment on my blog!

I love the title of your blog; an elusive thing for many, but so very important.

It seems that you are having a home birth, but your kids aren't homeschooled? Just curious.

I've never been able to persuade hubby to let the little ones in bed with us...it sounds like fun, but aren't you afraid you'll squish them?