Thursday, June 15, 2006

What Will His Name Be?

I keep going back and forth on this one. I mean, there are names that I like but, there are certain factors that are preventing me from going ahead and saying this is his name. Some of the names I like are:

Nathan - which has been taken by an aquaintance who lives on my street. My girls and her girl play together. She had a baby last September and she was able to gobble up that name before me.

Nathaniel - Love this name, it is pretty much the same as the name above but with a twist, lol. This is the name that I've loved since forever and always thought I'd name my son this, should I ever have one.

Samuel - This name sort of came to me by God. It means "asked of God" which is basically how I came to be pregnant with this little guy. I begged the Lord for him and He blessed me with this child. The significance of the the name mean more than liking the actual name.

Jacob - (do you see a theme here?) I like it mainly because I think it's sounds cute. I like Jake and Jakey for nick-names too.

I don't know. I will really have to seek the Lord for some definite answers on what to do. My husband is fairly easy going with the name thing so far. I will let him have his say though, lol. This will most likely be the only son, born of my womb.

Well I'm 23 weeks pregnant and feeling H-U-G-E!!! I can't imagine getting any bigger but, this is the stage where mom and baby really pack on the chub, so I don't have much choice. I just have to promise myself that I will lose *every* pound gained and then some. I had gained 10 pounds over the Christmas season and got pregnant! So though I've gained about 22 pounds during the pregnacy, it's actually 32 because I'd gained 10 just less than a month before conceiving.

Hubby just came home from his run. Gotta go!!!

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