Sunday, July 23, 2006

Motherhood and the Blessing of Babies

I can’t believe how quickly this pregnancy is going by. This little one is due in 11 weeks! That is just a smidge over 2.5 months away!!! I don’t feel prepared, practically speaking. I still have get a car seat, cloth diapers, tiny onesies and sleepers…a diaper bag. Oh, thinking about it makes me anxious. I do feel prepared emotionally though. I am ready to see and meet this little character. I know for me in past pregnancies 30 weeks (just a week away!!) is somewhat of a major milestone. Not because I’ve had any problems. All of my pregnancies have been healthy and uneventful. It’s just that at this point I start fantasizing about the baby. What will he be like and look like….Then I start nesting like crazy!

Babies are such a blessing. I love everything about them. Yes, even the dirty, poopy blowout diapers, LOL! I love the way they smell (um, the baby not the diapers!). I love listening to a newborn breathe. I love nursing them. It’s so hard to not want to just hold them and stare at them all the time. Considering that this one will be number 4, I wonder about how I’ll manage. I know I’ll have enough love, I love them all the same right now, as it stands. I’m wondering about the day to day practicalities of fulfilling my role as wife and mother. Can I do this?

Because this baby is so active I am constantly aware of him. I feel everything he does. I feel we are so connected. I thank God everyday for this child. Samuel…God has indeed heard my prayers.

A year from now, Lord willing Sam will be nearly a year old. I know that time flies and I plan to enjoy every moment. One thing I regret doing with my other children is wishing, too much for the time pass and that they’d just hurry up and get big so that I would have less stress in my life. This time, I don’t want to do that. I want to savor and enjoy every phase.

Well, as the time draws near my prayer is that God will continue to bless the fruit of the love between my husband and I, that is Samuel. I pray continually for a healthy, child. I am also praying for a safe home waterbirth (so excited!!!). I am praying for a smooth, loving transition from family of 5 to family of 6!!! Please pray for me too!

Praise the Lord!!!

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