Sunday, July 30, 2006

Pregnancy Woes and to dos

I feel so heavy! I can hardly drag myself around. Especially since it is so hot. I've gained about 27 pounds so far, but it feels like more. I wonder how much this baby weighs!

I haven't been eating well over the last week and I think that may be contributing to my sluggishness. I've got to get back to my healthy diet and take my supplements. I haven't taken any Floradix or red raspberry leaf tea in days. My body is definitely paying for it. My energy is going down the tubes. I can hardly sleep at night. Whine, whine, whine. You get the point.

I have a lot of ambitions in terms of cleaning and organizing today so I'd better get in gear. Today I want to:

mop the kitchen floor
clean the bathrooms
wash the kids bed linens
re-arrange/organize linen closet
arrange kids clothes in drawers and closets

will post an update later...

1 comment:

Anne said...

That's great about number 4! I just had my fourth as well- she's one month old. And how exciting that you are (likely) getting a boy. Boys are fun! I went to a midwife as well, though I go to the hospital. I appreciate that the midwife takes more time with me and is there the whole time in the hospital- not just popping in at the last minute to catch like many Dr's do!